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The Enjoying Science Together Series lets you homeschool your whole family together
(Grades 1-12) with a single-subject science and the joy of living books!
(Grades 1-12) with a single-subject science and the joy of living books!
Key: *Free online ❶ Our Pick! ❷ Christianbook
Enjoying Science Together Series Booklist
Individual Study gives you day-by-day plans for Math, Science, and Language Arts. Any volume of our Enjoying Science Together Series will work with this program.
Family Together
Grades 1 to 6
Grades 7-12
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Geology Together in grades 7 or 8.
^The Enjoying Science Together Student Notebook is consumable and provides a space for recitation notes for all five years or you may simply use a composition notebook.
^Focus on Geology Lab Book is consumable and is not required for this course. If you prefer to add labs, please consider the following: Labs are not a Charlotte Mason method and can take the focus off of nature walks and discovery and building a relationship with God's earth. Form 1 (grades 1-2) - skip the labs. Form 2 (grades 3-4) - skip the labs or add-in only if your child shows much interest. Form 3+ (grade 5+) - consider adding in labs as desired but use Focus on Middle School Geology Set ($$$).
Family Together
- Enjoying Geology Together Teacher Guide*
- Enjoying Science Together Student Copybook (1 per student) ^
- Focus on Geology (1 per family) + Lab Book (Optional - See note below) ^
- Madam How and Lady Why by Charles Kingsley* (Optional - free reading)
- Nature Notebook (1 per student) ^
Grades 1 to 6
- Among The Meadow People by Pierson*
- Plant Life in Field and Garden by Buckley*
- Outdoor Secrets by Margaret P. Boyle*
- Arthur Scott Bailey as desired*
Grades 7-12
- General Science by Bertha May Clark*
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Geology Together in grades 7 or 8.
^The Enjoying Science Together Student Notebook is consumable and provides a space for recitation notes for all five years or you may simply use a composition notebook.
^Focus on Geology Lab Book is consumable and is not required for this course. If you prefer to add labs, please consider the following: Labs are not a Charlotte Mason method and can take the focus off of nature walks and discovery and building a relationship with God's earth. Form 1 (grades 1-2) - skip the labs. Form 2 (grades 3-4) - skip the labs or add-in only if your child shows much interest. Form 3+ (grade 5+) - consider adding in labs as desired but use Focus on Middle School Geology Set ($$$).
Individual Study gives you day-by-day plans for Math, Science, and Language Arts. Any volume of our Enjoying Science Together Series will work with this program.
Family Together
Grades 1 to 6
Grades 7-12 (Ancient Primary Sources)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Biology Together in grade 9.
Family Together
- Enjoying Biology Together Teacher Guide*
- Enjoying Science Together Student Copybook (1 per student - use for all 5 years)
- Focus on Biology (1 per family) + Lab Book (Optional)
- Pond and Stream by Arthur Ransome*
Grades 1 to 6
- Among The Pond People by Pierson*
- By Pond and River by Buckley*
- Arthur Scott Bailey as desired*
Grades 7-12 (Ancient Primary Sources)
- Biology: A Self-Teaching Guide ❶ or biology text of your choice
- Hippocrates, Medical Treatises*
- Euclid, Elements*
- Aristotle, Physics*
- The Eclectic Physiology or Guide to Health by Brown* (Chapters 1-4)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Biology Together in grade 9.
Individual Study gives you day-by-day plans for Math, Science, and Language Arts. Any volume of our Enjoying Science Together Series will work with this program. (Astronomy pairs well with Cycle 2: Middle Ages).
Family Together
Grades 1 to 6
Grades 7-12 (Middle Ages Primary Sources)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Astronomy Together in grade 10.
Family Together
- Enjoying Astronomy Together Teacher Guide*
- Enjoying Science Together Student Copybook (1 per student - use for all 5 years)
- Focus on Astronomy (1 per family) + Lab Book (Optional)
- The Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball*
Grades 1 to 6
- Among The Farmyard People by Pierson*
- Birds of the Air by Buckley*
- Arthur Scott Bailey as desired*
Grades 7-12 (Middle Ages Primary Sources)
- Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide ❶ or astronomy text of your choice
- Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres*
- Kepler, Eptome of Copernican Astronomy and Harmonies of the World*
- Galileo, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems*
- The Eclectic Physiology or Guide to Health by Brown* (Chapters 5-8)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Astronomy Together in grade 10.
Individual Study gives you day-by-day plans for Math, Science, and Language Arts. Any volume of our Enjoying Science Together Series will work with this program. (Chemistry pairs well with Cycle 3: Early Modern.)
Family Together
Grades 1 to 6
Grades 7-12 (Early Modern Primary Sources)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Chemistry Together in grade 11.
Family Together
- Enjoying Chemistry Together Teacher Guide*
- Enjoying Science Together Student Copybook (1 per student - use for all 5 years)
- Focus on Chemistry (1 per family) + Lab Book (Optional)
- The Wonder Book of Chemistry by Fabre*
Grades 1 to 6
- Among The Forest People by Pierson*
- Wildlife In the Woods and Fields by Buckley*
- Arthur Scott Bailey as desired*
Grades 7-12 (Early Modern Primary Sources)
- Chemistry: A Self-Teaching Guide ❶ or chemistry text of your choice
- Boyle, The Skeptical Chemist*
- Newton, Principia*
- Lavoisier, Elements of Chemistry*
- The Eclectic Physiology or Guide to Health by Brown* (Chapters 9-12)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Chemistry Together in grade 11.
Individual Study gives you day-by-day plans for Math, Science, and Language Arts. Any volume of our Enjoying Science Together Series will work with this program. (Physics pairs well with Cycle 4: Modern Times.)
Family Together
Grades 1 to 6
Grades 7-12 (Modern Primary Sources)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Physics Together in grade 12.
Family Together
- Enjoying Physics Together Teacher Guide*
- Enjoying Science Together Student Copybook ^ (1 per student - use for all 5 years)
- Focus on Physics (1 per family) + Lab Book (Optional)
- Jack's Insects by Edmund Selous*
Grades 1 to 6
- Among The Night People by Pierson*
- Trees and Shrubs by Buckley*
- Insect Life by Buckley*
- Arthur Scott Bailey as desired*
Grades 7-12 (Modern Primary Sources)
- Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide ❶ or physics texts of your choice
- Einstein, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory*
- Hawking, A Brief History of Time*
- Behe, Darwin’s Black Box*
- The Eclectic Physiology or Guide to Health by Brown* (Chapters 13-17)
For older students, we recommend Enjoying Physics Together in grade 12.
Weekly Science Schedule
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Day 4 |
Science 30 minutes |
* |
Science 30 minutes |
(Nature Study) Program 2 |
*Grade-level reading assignments for older students may require extra reading on off-days.
Have Science questions or comments? See FAQ's
^Consumable books less than 10%
^Consumable books less than 10%